
... to my new site/blog which will provide you with information for Tattoos & Piercings done by me.

"In all ages, far back into prehistory, we find human beings have painted and adorned themselves." H.G. Wells.

If you browse through the pages, you will see some tattoo examples of my work over the years (small representation) - a lot of it often involves designing it based on a client's ideas, examples or concept.

A bit about me

I have a love for & studied art & decided to use my skills in the tattoo industry. I started around 2003 as an apprentice then artist & piercer, & eventually decided to freelance across various shops & cities, ran my own studio...all with travelling & sight-seeing in between.

After some time in the Cape & travelling back to my hometown of Johannesburg, I am once again operating in Johannesburg as a Freelance Tattoo Artist, based in Johannesburg CBD but with the ability to travel to clients.

If you have any questions about the products I use, or anything for that matter, please go to the Contact Me tab for my details & give me a shout.

Enjoy having a bit of a browse, I look forward to hearing from you & working with you!
